Minoru Kobayashi
Our shop is a place where memories and thoughts merge.
Image big data in the head that concreteizes the image.
Grasp the purchased bags and fittings and decide which products to put out to the shop. Or, a customer asked me, "Is there anything like this?" I wonder what's right for me. And give an answer when consulted. Kobayashi stocks all stock in his head "in the video" including furniture one step ahead of the product which is stored in the warehouse or waiting for repair in the workshop. Using that memory as a starting point, we read your preferences from your words and suggest the right ones. The image which is still vague becomes concrete like this.

There are a lot of fans who say that the smile with the friendly somewhere is said by the staff around. Top right: Kobayashi's tools say, "This is the only thing I really use right now." Of course, I also borrow the power of photography in my memory.
She seems to be working all the time, and maybe she's enjoying it all the time.
Kobayashi, who personally has a hobby of collecting antiques and DIY, said, "There is no longer a boundary between work and private. They seem to be working and having fun." "Kofuku-an is a pipe that connects the past and now. By our activities, we can make contact with furniture with feelings that are packed with memories and cannot be thrown away by all means, and people who have a strong desire to have a good quality anthique."

A word from the representative
Kobayashi is a very agile and nifty personality.
Because it touches the details carefully as well as the image of the appearance to the customer, it is very popular.
We study and understand the characteristics of antique furniture and the characteristics of each product well, and we make very efforts to be able to accurately answer customer consultations.