The uneven wooden frame has a smooth touch and contrast, so
It makes you feel warm.

The thin material used in the part of the curtain does not overlap
As it is lined up evenly,
It creates a cool and calm atmosphere.

A little blindfold or partitioned the space,
Please use it according to the space.

I hope you can use it with confidence
We have a firm list at our studio, so you can use it immediately.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details,"About free long -term storage service"Please refer to the.

size 948x285x1067 (mm/WDH)
Era Taisho -early Showa period
Material -
Shipping form TA-Q-BIN C Rank
ヤマト家財宅急便 Cランク

Antique Tools DC5318

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