Width 650mm

Dividers are provided at an angle
The base plate is divided into five parts with bamboo sashes, and
The bottom part is made of fine grained plated arrow feather pattern.
The highly designed construction is attractive.

Why not consider it to be a partition fitting with a Japanese taste?

Specialized craftsmen at our own workshop
We have completed checking for loosening and wobbling of the fittings due to age.
Furthermore, when we take a long-term perspective and decide that it is necessary based on our standards,
We carry out the necessary fixtures retightening work.

"Restoring work at the workshop" teeth, Here Please see.
"Details of restoring fittings" teeth, Here Please see.

If you use Seino Transportation,
Thank you for your understanding as we cannot specify a delivery time.

Regarding products that have been paid after placing your order,
We offer a "free long-term storage service," so please feel free to use it.
Regarding the details, "Free long-term storage service" Please see.

size 650x33x1728 (mm/wdh)
Frame width: 33
The era Taisho to early Showa era
Material -
Shipping format Seino Transportation 40kg

Slim size Itado F8338

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Introduction of recommended products