Despite the simple design, the heather eyes and gloss of the top plate are beautiful,
It can also be used as a decoration platform where accessories are displayed.

The familiar texture and the more astringent colors are mixed,
There is a taste that has repeated times.

Please help us to create a relaxing space in your heart.

I hope you can use it with confidence
We have a firm list at our studio, so you can use it immediately.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details,"About free long -term storage service"Please refer to the.

size 750x403x290 (mm/WDH)
Era Taisho -early Showa period
Material -
Shipping form TA-Q-BIN 160 size
宅急便 160サイズ

Retro Furniture BB2341

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