The interior is high because the lower part of the glass case looks heavy.
Open the open door is also an accent,
It has an attractive design with a retro feeling.

A wooden frame with a bright wood,
A glass plate is used for the partition, so
There is a sense of openness because the inside of the case is wide.

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I hope you can use it with confidence
We have a firm list at our studio, so you can use it immediately.

If you use Seino Transportation,
Please note that the delivery time cannot be specified.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details,"About free long -term storage service"Please refer to the.

size 450x392x1200 (mm/WDH)
Era Taisho -early Showa period
Material Oak
Shipping form Seino Transport 100kg
西濃運輸 160kg

Glass case Ba9310

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Introduction of recommended products