There are also multiple partitions, so
It is convenient for organizing the documents on the tabletop
The structure that makes you feel particular is attractive.

If you close the lid that covers the front completely, it will be refreshing,
If you fasten it with a hook, you can close it firmly, so
By handle attached to both sides,
You can easily move the place.

You can decorate the pamphlet of the store,
Please use it as a storage box that also serves as a retro interior.

Please note that houseplants are not included in products.

I hope you can use it with confidence
We have a firm list at our studio, so you can use it immediately.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details,"About free long -term storage service"Please refer to the.

size 550x210x285 (mm/WDH)
Era 1924
Material -
Shipping form TA-Q-BIN 120 size
宅急便 120サイズ

Small chest BB2132

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If you are inquiring via LINE, please include the product number and the details of your inquiry.

Introduction of recommended products