A large hens world-shaped kasa is placed in the center.
Coloring around with three kasas with a small charming silhouette
The elegant and quaint design is a wonderful light fixture.

The metal fittings frame that supports large and small kasas
The fittings for Ogasa are spread out in three way,
A stylish pattern is applied to the side of the metal fittings of the kasa in the central hemisphere.
It is a splendid design with a high-quality atmosphere.

I miss the milky-white kasa somewhere.
It delivers gentle light to the room.

How about it as a light fixture to make a elegant Japanese atmosphere such as living room?

Light bulbs are not included.

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Overall: Diameter: 680xH400 Okasa: Diameter: 360xH220 Okasa: [Diameter: 160xH240] x3 (mm)
Taisho to early Showa period
Kasabe glass frame part copper
西濃運輸 140kg

Four-lamp chandelier DB2105 of elegant decorative metal fittings with a gentle taste

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