A lattice with a slender vertical pier.
With a lumbar plate with a Japanese pattern
It is attractive to make it reminiscent of a lattice door.

In the season and occasional atmosphere
Put the back shoji and remove it,
You can also change the atmosphere and enjoy it

With an old color color with shade
How about creating a calm atmosphere?

Please help us to create a space based on the sum.

I hope you can use it with confidence
We have a firm list at our studio, so you can use it immediately.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details, "About free long -term storage service" Please refer to the.

size 1195x275x897 (mm/WDH)
Era Taisho -early Showa period
Material -
Shipping form Rakuraku Kazai Takkyubin C Rank
Taisho to early Showa period
ヤマト家財宅急便 Cランク

Antique Tuitate DC5673

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