From left to left, c, d, e, f, g, and h are aligned.

c: Hold on, black and gold with a sense of guttness in the bud

d: has a reddish tinge to the use of the 

e: It is easy to understand the border between the time of use with a flexible kizz on the back of the eaves.

f: the Hashi-Kashira has a decoration like a 12-faced body

g: There is a distinctive decoration with a pod in the Hashi-Kashira

h:  Hashi-kashira's silvery tootham coloring is drawing attention.

Photographs, such as those in the picture, are very easy to understand.

It is a familiar item in a hibachi (brazier) and an enclosure.
Or use it as a retro-friendly display for your service.

The price is a set of prices.
Since it is a hibashi chopstick, it is counted as one set in two books.

After your order, we have received your payment with respect to the product.
We have a "free-and-run, long-term storage service" for you.
For details on the details of the report,"Free Long-Term Storage Service"for the following:

Size c: Diameter: 10xH270
d: Diameter: 6xH275
e: Diameter: 5xH260
f: Diameter: 4xH255
g: Diameter: 3xH290
h: diameter: 5xH245 (mm)
Period Meiji-Taisho
Materials -
Types of shipping TA-Q-BIN, 60 Size
Taisho to early Showa period
宅急便 60サイズ

Hibashi DB9241cdefgh

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Introduction of recommended products