In the wooden tub summarized with "Taga”
It is a wooden bucket with a handle.

Put the wooden frame firmly with ”Taga”
It is also a solid wood tub.

Of course, the original usage such as water fetching
Decorate with long props with long pattern,
Please use it to create the atmosphere of old private houses and shops.

Please note that houseplants are not included in the product.

After your order, the payment has been completed
We have a "free long -term storage service", so please use it.
For details, "About free long -term storage service" Please refer to the.

size 345x295x288 (mm/WDH)
Maximum height 460 (mm) including handle
Era Taisho -early Showa period
Material -
Shipping form TA-Q-BIN, 120 size
宅急便 120サイズ

retro wooden bucket DC5473

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Introduction of recommended products