The texture, which had a heavy age, was very smooth and smooth.
Sculptures on a wooden frame decorated with decorations.
It's a nice piece of furniture that makes sense of the sense of taste.

The hikedo using the glass of Oban was used.
and you can see every corner of the case.
I can cheat on the exproprition.

Please help to create a nice space with a sense of retro.

Please note that the items are not included in the products.

A professional craftsman is politely restored in our company's workshop.
Don't worry, you can use it with no stress.
The movement of the fittings and the movement of the drawers and other necessary adjustments have been completed.

The following is the drawer extension of the drawer:
* There is a slight error depending on the point of measurement, since this is the size of the Mean dimension.

(1) 335x345x80 (mm/wdh) for 3 bowls of drawers.

After your order, we have received your payment with respect to the product.
We have a "free-and-run, long-term storage service" for you to use.
For details on the details of the report,"Free Long-Term Storage Service"for the following:

Size Overall: 1395x455x1802 (mm/wdh)
Top: 1073 tall
Lower stage: Height 729
Period The Taisho period and the early
Materials -
Types of shipping Rakuraku Kazai Takkyubin F rank

Glass case BB2063

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If you are inquiring via LINE, please include the product number and the details of your inquiry.

Introduction of recommended products