in a seasoned design with a round roof that looks like a lid,
Together with the milky cylindrical cap,
Light is delivered to the room at the center of the light, along with the lighted lights.

The bright illumination of the warm-heartwined glass spread gently.
It is important to improve the tastes of the times.

How would you like to create a space with a rin in the air?

The light bulb is not attached.

After your order, we have received your payment with respect to the product.
We have a "free-and-run, long-term storage service" for you.
For details on the details of the report,"Free Long-Term Storage Service"for the following:


Kasa: Diameter: 117xH120
Overall: Diameter: 190xH420 (mm)

Period The Taisho period and the early
Materials Glass
Types of shipping Home Express 100 Size
Taisho to early Showa period
宅急便 100サイズ

Unique electric cap DB8587 with roof on hanging bracket

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Introduction of recommended products